Are you a critical thinker and also adore fashion?
You are in the right place!
Welcome to Fashion Wayfinder, a podcast and online resource for deep thinking fashion creatives.
My mission is to provide you with inspiration and guidance to create and engage with fashion in a way that is purposeful and beautiful.
And check out the free download below to gain confidence and direction with your own creative work.
Best Wishes and follow your fashion heart!
Latest Podcast Episodes…
020 Shepherding Black Sheep with Carly Vidal Wallace
Image: Speaking with Carly Vidal Wallace (left) in Brisbane, 2018. Season 2 Finale Connecting Emerging Designers Across The World Carly Vidal Wallace is the Creative Community Curator at NOT JUST A LABEL. NOT JUST A LABEL (NJAL) is the...
019 Brothers in Business with Nick Chiu
Image: Nick Chiu from Apartment boutique, 2018. Retail with Soul Brothers Nick and Ben Chiu have been fashion pioneers in their home city of Brisbane, Australia. They opened their first Apartment boutique in 2006, bringing New York street and sneaker culture to...
018 Finding Your Own Fashion Formula with Kay McMahon
Image: Kay McMahon delivering a fashion business workshop in Bandung, Indonesia, 2016 (credit: Australia Awards). What is your message? Kay McMahon is passionate about mentoring students and entrepreneurs to succeed in the fashion industry. She says a designer’s first...
017 From Paddock to Product with Meriel Chamberlin
Image: Meriel Chamberlin speaking at Fibrecraft House in Brisbane, 2017. Cotton for Conscious Consumers. Hailing from the UK, Meriel Chamberlin is a textile technologist and the founder of Full Circle Fibres. Meriel is making it possible for individuals and businesses...
016 Being Responsible is Beautiful with Alice Jones
Image: Alice Jones (right) and I speaking on The Ekka stage, August 2018. Fashion Reflects What We Care About Alice Jones was forced to question the ethics of the fashion system when she worked as a fashion buyer and was confronted with the unbelievably low cost of...
015: A 360 Perspective on Fashion Business with Thuy Nguyen
Image: Fashionable selfie with Thuy Nguyen (right) 2018. Hats by Shilo Engelbrecht, CEA designer member. Teaching a new generation. Thuy Nguyen is the fashion development manager at Creative Enterprise Australia (CEA). Through the Fashion360 program, she mentors...
014 Getting to the Heart and Soul of Sustainability – with Ania Zoltkowski.
Image: Ania Zoltkowski, London 2018. Imagining Thriving Fashion Futures. Ania Zoltkowski has been working in-and-out of the fashion system for many years. From big and famous fashion houses, to living and working with underprivileged women in a fashion workshop in...
013 Fashion Poetry and Pleasure with Rébecca Leger
Image: Rébecca Leger and I at a café in Paris, 2018. Evoking history and spirit at Palais Galliera. Rébecca Leger works with the costume and textile collection at Palais Galliera, a famous and historic fashion museum in Paris. She considers herself a custodian of the...
012 A Fashion Designer’s Odyssey with David Szeto
Image: David Szeto at his home in Brussels, 2018. From Vancouver to Paris. Fashion designer and entrepreneur, David Szeto, tells the amazing story of how he came to establish his fashion house in Paris. He grew up in Vancouver. At the age of 12 his older sister paid...